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PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC
PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC
PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC
PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC
PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC
PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC
PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC
PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC
PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC
PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC

PhoneClean iOS Cleaner for PC

by iMobie

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$9.99(74% off)
$9.99(74% off)
DescriptionImportant DetailsRelated Products

Make Your iPhone Run Like New with a Healthy Dose of PhoneClean


iPhones may be packed with limitless features, but sadly they don't have limitless space. PhoneClean helps you reclaim space filled with useless information, so you can download the newest apps, snap endless photos, and jam to your favorite tunes without maxing out your space. Plus PhoneClean helps you clear out private information so you don't risk it getting in the wrong hands. "Your iOS device has a limited amount of storage. It can store a lot of junk you don't need over time like temp files, scripts, and failed sync files. PhoneClean is an app that deletes all that junk for you," Lifehacker
  • Finds and removes hidden temp, cookie & cache files (temporarily incompatible w/ iOS 8.3)
  • Deletes private SMS, iMessage, MMS, as well as the associated pictures, audios & videos
  • Cleans up all your Internet browsing history
  • Removes discarded emails & attachments for webmail
  • Gets rid of useless app crash logs and system notifications
  • Fixes corrupt & partially synced music, video and other media files to make them playable
  • Removes unwanted apps, photos, & outdated Notes and Calendar events
  • Shrinks app sizes by removing all unnecessary files (for jailbroken devices)
  • Creates full backups prior to any cleaning action
  • Specs

    Details & Requirements

    • Version 3.6.2


        • iPhone/iPhone 3G or newer
        • iPad (Wi-Fi/Wi-Fi+3G) or newer
        • iPod touch 1 or newer
        Works with:
        • Windows XP or newer
        • Resolution: 1024x768 display or above
        • CPU: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz or above
        • RAM: 512MB system memory
        • Display card: accelerated 3D graphics - 64MB RAM
        • Sound Card: Windows-compatible sound card
        • Hard disk: 100 MB hard drive space
        • Others: iTunesMobileDevice driver installed


    • License deadline: redeem your license within 48 hours
    • Lifetime access
    • Updates included


    • Instant digital redemption
    • PhoneClean for PC. To purchase for Mac, please see drop-down above.
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