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The GrillGun is a high power 400,000+ BTU propane torch designed to light charcoal, wood grills, and smokers. With this grill gun, you will be able to sear your meat, warm up the grill, burn off the residual grease, dirt, or grime left on the grill after the last time you used it, all in a matter of a couple of minutes. It has a longer barrel and longer flame than Su-VGun, which allows distant searing of meats and starting your charcoal grill.
The GrillGun Set includes the following:
- High power propane torch, designed to sear your meat faster & better than any other searing torch available
- Longer barrel & tighter flame for distant searing of meats, flaming creme brulees, and charcoal grills
- 2ft long flame for outdoor cooking & grilling
Bottle Stand
- Convenient vertical stand that enables you to set your GrillGun attached to a propane bottle
- Upright & easily accessible while cooling down after having just been used
8' Adapter Hose
- A way to connect your GrillGun to a 20lb propane tank
Successfully funded on Indiegogo!
Propane tanks and bottles shown in images associated with this product are not included, they are for reference only
Customers must be 18 years old+ to purchase
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