The Complete Ruby Programmer Course
13 Hours

247 Lessons (13h)
- IntroductionIntroduction to Programming1:55The Role of Programming In the Modern World1:38Importance of Programming Skills for All Professionals2:03Preview of Final Student Enrollment App2:11Web Scraping Automation Project Preview1:17Data Engineering Project Preview1:12Programming Intro RecapInstallation of Ruby on MacOS6:37Installation of Ruby on Windows1:09Installation of Ruby on Linux1:26Troubleshooting and Looking for Answers Online5:30Introduction to Code Editors2:27Installing Atom1:44Review of Concepts and Setup
- Programming in RubyIntroduction to the Terminal1:34Introduction to the Terminal QuizGetting Around in the Terminal1:35Getting Around in the Terminal QuizCreating and Changing Directories1:59Creating and Changing Directories QuizCreating and Editing Files from the Command Line2:42Terminal ReviewWhere to Find the CodeThe First Ruby File - "Hello World"1:27Hello World QuizRunning Ruby Files from the Command Line1:18Running Ruby Files QuizPrinting Output QuizPrinting Output - puts/print/p3:30Code Commenting3:35Code Commenting QuizIntroduction to IRB2:37Atom and Terminal Setup5:58Basics ReviewCodealong Exercise - Name and Food2:02Assignment - Print Your Own Age3:45
- Strings and NumbersIntroduction to Variables and Why We Use Them2:27Variables Quiz 1Variables - Changing Values4:03Variables Quiz 2Variables - Changing Values Continued3:44Variables Quiz 3Getting Input from the Terminal3:57Input from Terminal QuizIntroduction to Strings3:27Strings Quiz 1String Interpolation2:55Strings Quiz 2Changing a String4:17Strings Quiz 3String Concatenation4:15Strings Quiz 4Manipulating Strings6:28Strings Quiz 5Introduction to Comparisons5:31Comparisons Quiz 1Logic Comparisons5:52Comparisons Quiz 2Numeric Comparisons3:19Comparisons Quiz 3Introduction to Branching Logic - If4:29Logic Quiz 1Branching Logic - Else4:57Logic Quiz 2Branching Logic - Elsif3:52Logic Quiz 3Branching Logic - Case4:30Logic Quiz 4Finding Text in a String6:02Finding Text Quiz 1Finding Text - Index7:20Variables and Strings ReviewIntroduction to Numbers - Integers and Floats2:32Numbers Quiz 1Numeric Operations -Integers2:37Numbers Quiz 2Numeric Operations - Floats3:04Numbers Quiz 3Castings Strings to Integers3:32Casting Quiz 1Casting Strings to Floats4:22Casting Quiz 2Getting Numbers from Input3:26Getting Numbers QuizRandom Numbers5:59Random Numbers QuizCombining Numbers with Strings8:11Numbers ReviewCodealong Exercise - Introduction1:00Codealong Exercise - Guess the Number Game13:46Assignment - Build a User Input Validator1:30
- Methods and Data StructuresChanging the Terminal Prompt3:48Introduction to Methods4:54Methods QuizMethod Arguments2:49Optional Arguments and Default Values3:32Methods Quiz 2The Different Styles of If5:02Method Returns5:49Method Returns QuizCalling One Method from Another5:05Method ReviewIntroduction to the Concept of Data Structures3:03Introduction to Arrays4:45Arrays QuizArray Creation6:24Array Manipulation3:33Arrays Quiz 2Arrays - Push & Pop2:59Retrieving Data from Arrays3:22Retrieving Data from Arrays - Continued5:43Arrays ReviewIntroduction to Hashes1:48Keys, Values8:56Hashes Quiz 1Symbols5:05Retrieving Data from Hashes1:52Hashes Quiz 2Retrieving Data from Hashes - Continued4:12Hash Manipulation5:17Hashes ReviewIntroduction to Loops2:46While Loops2:59While Loops with User Input3:05While Loops QuizBreaking Out of Loops3:14Codealong Exercise - Introduction7:33Codealong Exercise - Contacts Directory0:49Assignment - Build a Credentials Collection1:08Optional - Introduction to Algorithms and Sorting1:02Demo of Bubble Sort and complexity analysis5:39Optional - Implementing an Array Sort15:00
- Deep Dive into Iteration and BlocksLoops - Using Next4:17Until Loops2:31Loops as Modifiers2:02For Loops3:20Loops ReviewIntroduction to Iteration3:53Introduction to Blocks5:49Iterating Over a Range4:04Iterating Using Steps2:01Ruby Enumerable1:56Enumerators in Ruby4:48Hash Iteration2:42Operations Inside Iteration5:38Arrays - Map, Select, and Reject9:19Hashes - Map, Select, and Reject4:01Introduction to Recursion10:11Iteration and Enumeration ReviewCodealong Exercise - Introduction0:46Codealong Exercice - Filters on Product Catalog13:07Assignment - Find Students by Name or Age0:48
- Working with FilesFiles in Ruby2:27Opening a File2:00File Modes3:40Reading the Contents of a File1:46Reading a File Line by Line3:37Closing Files2:17Writing to an Existing File3:43Writing to a New File1:52File Basics ReviewWriting User Input to Files3:13Introduction to CSV Files2:30Working with CSV Files10:34Check If a File Exists4:19Working with Directories6:15Opening Other Ruby Files3:39Require Local Ruby Files4:27File Operations ReviewCodealong Exercise - Introduction1:00Codealong Exercise - Collecting Todo Notes4:32Assignment - Write Student Information to CSV0:49
- Object Oriented ProgrammingIntroduction to Classes8:31Introduction to Objects3:08Instantiating Objects7:28Displaying Objects3:32Comparing Objects6:57Duck-Typing in Ruby5:06Methods on Objects6:17Inheritance5:50Overriding Methods8:08Object Basics ReviewAttributes - Getting and Setting8:13Class Methods6:17Modules9:28Requiring Modules6:13Composition vs Inheritance15:05Advanced Objects ReviewCodealong Exercise - Introduction0:41Codealong Exercise - Calculate Area of Different Shapes8:33Assignment - Create a Student Object1:07Optional - Introduction to Binrary Trees6:07Optional - Implementing a Binary Tree23:23
- Object MappingModel Classes2:35Domain Modeling3:02Validator Methods3:50Serialization1:56Converting an Object to CSV3:04Object Mapping ReviewCRUD1:17Writing Objects to File4:12Generating Unique IDs and Filenames5:42Reading Objects from File9:29Updating Objects in File10:28Deleting Objects in Files5:09Validations and Review6:31CRUD ReviewCodealong Exercise - Intro1:01Codealong Exercise - Corporate Directory in CSV11:07Assignment - Use Student Object to Write to File0:51
- Web Scraping Automation with RubyUsing Programming for Daily Life Tasks0:53Problem Description - Car Shopping1:10Solution Preview1:04Program Setup1:32Resources for This SectionIntroduction to Gems5:21Getting the Content from the Website2:48Parsing Response HTML5:00Using the CSS Selector5:03Gems ReviewPretty Printing Ruby Objects4:07Extracting Data5:24Extracting Data - Continued5:15Saving to JSON File8:34JSON Formatting4:43Converting Price to a Number4:57Filtering Data4:59Data Extraction and Filtering ReviewOptional - Using Bundler5:35Optional - Deep Dive into Ruby Gems7:24
- Data Engineering with RubyData Engineering Solution Preview0:51Working With Access Logs3:23Reading the Log File3:19Parsing the Log File5:15Extracting User Data3:21Determining Browsers5:29Access Logs ReviewExtracting Email10:18Cross Referencing Users2:54Cross Referencing Users Continued5:43Users Data Structure8:01File Name Patterns7:44Data Engineering Review
- Final ProjectFinal Project Overview3:18Final Project RequirementsThank You!!!0:37
- AppendixAcknowledgements
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Go From Ruby Beginner to Building Your Own Applications From Scratch
Mashrur HossainMashrur Hossain | Entrepreneur | Programming Instructor
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Mashrur Hossain has been a technology professional for over a decade and holds degrees in both Computer Science and Economics. He has worked with Enterprise Software Systems throughout his career with roles in analysis, development, and management. He is very passionate about web application development and believes Ruby on Rails has proven to be a very strong force in this field. Join him for his comprehensive Ruby on Rails Developer courses as he guides you through the world of web application development using Rails.
Ruby is the language behind Ruby on Rails, one of the most popular and in-demand web development frameworks. It's extremely powerful but also relatively easy to learn, making it an ideal place to start your web development journey. In this course, you'll learn Ruby, and programming in general, in a practical manner. By the end, you will be able to write complete programs that can take input from users, build interactive menus, and interact with formatted data files among many other skills.
- Access 247 lectures & 13+ hours of content 24/7
- Installing Ruby on Mac, Windows & Linux systems
- Learn command line & Ruby basics
- Discuss compound data structures, algorithms, & implementation
- Explore object-oriented programming concepts
- Understand debugging & error handling
- Discover how to automate daily tasks
Important Details
- Length of time users can access this course: lifetime
- Access options: web streaming, mobile streaming
- Certification of completion included
- Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
- Experience level required: all levels
- Have questions on how digital purchases work? Learn more here
- Any device with basic specifications
- Inernet access
- Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 30 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final.
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