Free: Mammoth Interactive 5-Hour Developer Bundle
What's Included

Learn HTML in 1-Hour Course

Learn CSS in 1-Hour Course

Learn JavaScript in 1-Hour Course

Learn JQuery in 1-Hour Course

Learn HTML5 In 1-Hour Course
Erick Alfredo Barrera Ramírez
Es un excelente bundle, la verdad vale la pena invertir tiempo en este tipo de freebies, gracias por este curso :)
Joshua Weldy
This is an amazing bundle. I’m thoroughly happy with this and it gives me an in-depth overview of everything.
Bruce Carter
A bunch of "learn this in an hour" and the like type of courses, but it was free for the taking, so what the heck. Free is always worth the money... :-)
Shannon Wu
Great sofware with great price, I use it every day and it really saved me a lot of time.You should use it also.
Anthony H
A very cool and quick way to learn the basics at a phenomenal cost of zero. The 5 hours can be well-spent.
Gnik Eisor
This was useful, but the timeframes given are pretty misleading. As to be expected, you can't really learn that much within an hour, but it does act as a good aide for starting out.