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Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40
Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40
Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40
Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40
Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40
Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40
Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40
Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40
Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40
Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40

Teleflora Mother's Day Credit: $18 for $40

1 Review
You save 55%
by Teleflora
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Pay $18 for a $40 Credit & Send Gorgeous Hand-Arranged Flowers to Mom


When it comes to Mother's Day, you can't lose with the gift of flowers, and with Teleflora, you can send them to mom from miles and miles away. Teleflora offers beautiful, hand-arranged bouquets and fast, reliable delivery by local florists located across the US and Canada. Every Teleflora order is handcrafted by a local florist and delivered in a vase, ready to be enjoyed immediately - no ugly box or packing materials.

  • Supports local businesses & strengthens communities
  • Offers a large selection of bouquets for every occasion
  • Delivers holiday flowers, floral baskets, centerpieces & gourmet food baskets
  • Lets you shop flowers by type, occasion, or via guides
  • Includes $40 credit to be used site-wide, excluding delivery/service fees


  • Please verify if an item can be delivered to your recipient's area prior to purchase. To do so, click here. For more information on which delivery areas are excluded, please contact customer service.
  • For Mother’s Day, it’s best to place your order as early as possible. Same day delivery may not be available on Mother’s Day. Teleflora’s same day and next day delivery is subject to the capacity of the local florists. Available delivery dates for your zip code will be confirmed when you add a bouquet to your shopping cart.


  • Promotional value expires 8/1/2019. Purchased credit will be void and unusable after that date
  • All sales final
  • Credit good for $40 site-wide
  • Cart value must be at least $40 for the coupon to apply
  • Coupon only covers merchandise and not delivery/service fee
  • Voucher cannot be combined or used with any other promotions or discounts offered by Teleflora or third party sites.
  • If you are buying multiple vouchers, you must go incognito or use a different browser to complete your purchase
  • .
1 Review
5/ 5
All reviews are from verified purchasers collected after purchase.

vijendra Mohabir

Verified Buyer

Delivered right on time for mother's day. Will order again.

May 20, 2019
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