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  • Apps & Software
  • Backup & Storage
Tapnet 1TB Cloud Backup & Storage: 3-Yr Plan

Tapnet 1TB Cloud Backup & Storage: 3-Yr Plan

Deal Price$59.99
Suggested Price$359.85
You save 83%
by TAPNET Enterprises
DescriptionImportant DetailsRelated Products

You Choose How to Distribute Your 1TB of Space: Back Up Some Files for Later & Store Others for Instant Access


It's common practice to generate way more data than we can easily manage. For the next 3 years, however, you can rest a bit easier. For a discounted annual price, Tapnet wants to give you 1TB in the Cloud to use as you see fit. Backup that portfolio you might not need right away or store it for quick and easy access. It's up to you.
  • Divide 1,000 GB of Cloud space between storage and backup
  • Choose between scheduled and real-time block level backup
  • Protect your files with 256 AES encryption
  • Access your data with command line interface
  • Backup network locations


  • License redemption deadline: redeem within 30 days of purchase
  • Length of access: 3 years
  • Includes licenses for 1 device
Note: Promo code will pay annual invoice for 3 years


  • Instant digital redemption
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