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SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership
SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership
SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership
SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership
SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership
SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership
SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership
SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership
SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership
SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership
SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership

SumizeIt Book Summaries: Lifetime Membership

11 Reviews
Deal Price$29.99
Suggested Price$99.99
You save 70%
by SumizeIt
DescriptionImportant DetailsReviewsRelated Products

Satisfy Your Curiosity & Expand Your Knowledge with 5-Minute, Easy-to-Digest, Non-Fiction Book Summaries


It is not easy to find time to read. Hence, SumizeIt extracted the key insights of the most important business books for you. Each summary is a few minutes long. Enjoy SumizeIt originals in clear and easy to understand language. With SumizeIt, you will become part of any conversation and you will get smarter, faster. Fill waiting times before a meeting, a metro ride, or even a personal break with meaningful content that lets you grow as a person.

  • Get unlimited access to the entire library of hundreds of books
  • Available in text and audio
  • Enjoy at least one new summary each week
  • Unlock the insights from the worlds greatest books
  • Download SumizeIt & read key insights on the go


System Requirements

  • Internet-required mobile app: works on iPhone, iPad, Android or tablet
  • Web app: works w/ any modern internet browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari & others)

Important Details

  • Length of access: lifetime
  • This plan is only available to new users
  • Redemption deadline: redeem your code within 30 days of purchase
  • Software version: iOS v10+ works on Safari, Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer & Firefox
  • Updates included


  • Unredeemed licenses can be returned for store credit within 30 days of purchase. Once your license is redeemed, all sales are final.
11 Reviews
4.5/ 5
All reviews are from verified purchasers collected after purchase.

jitesh goswami

Verified Buyer

Ah what an app. Highly recommend SumizeIt Book Summaries. Best of all I have experienced in market. iOS app is rock solid and performs each time. Plus their service and support is incredible. Also they have frequent newsletter with a surprising book summary suggested to listen too. Love it. Can be turned off if someone would not like it. SumizeIt Book Summary app team, great job and well done. Thanks for your efforts.

Feb 15, 2021


Verified Buyer

Very good development in last months. Content updates on a regular basis and UI is getting better and better.

Dec 24, 2020
John Crumpton profile picture

John Crumpton

Verified Buyer

Good, short summaries of books. There are quick a few companies offering this service and they are all about the same. It's a time efficient way to chose your next read.

Dec 19, 2020

Jono Evans

Verified Buyer

Great product. Have used them for a long time. One of my favour things about them is that they are able to summarise a whole book into just 10 minutes.

Sep 19, 2020


Verified Buyer

Me ha encantado la aplicación móvil, en ella puedo leer resumenes de libros en mis tiempos muertos ( cuando voy en el metro, estoy esperando en el médico...) me gusta leer libros de emprendimiento y en esta aplicación puedo encontrar un amplio catálogo.Los resúmenes son cortos pero lo suficiente para captar la idea principal, cuando interesa profundizar mucho lo recomendable sería comprar el libro. Por el poco dinero que vale supcripción he podido ahorrar mucho dinero y tiempo

Sep 14, 2020

Animish Andraskar

Verified Buyer

Overall, Sumizeit is an above average product. Don't expect the quality of summaries to be comparable to Blinkist or 12min. But given the price, this is a good app to have.

Jul 18, 2020
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