Samsung’s flagship for 2019, the Galaxy S10, matches its powerful hardware with the fresh OneUI interface. This thin and light phone is powered by the powerful Snapdragon 855/Exynos 9820 chips and has heaps of memory for your multitasking needs - a whopping 8GB, accompanied by 128 or 512GB versions. Design-wise, the Galaxy S10 sets itself apart from the previous generation with its offset punch-hole 10MP selfie camera, which is capable of capturing stabilized 4K footage. The camera is the only thing interrupting the gorgeous 6.1-inch OLED display. The cameras at the back are three - the regular 12MP is joined by a 12MP telephoto and a 16MP wide-angle one, a first for the Galaxy S series.
HDR video support, Scratch-resistant glass (Corning Gorilla Glass 6), Ambient light sensor, Proximity sensor, Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Compass, Hall (for flip covers), Heart rate, Barometer, High Dynamic Range mode (HDR), Time-lapse video, Hyperlapse, Picture-taking during video recording, Video light, Digital image stabilization, Video calling, Video sharing
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Expected Delivery: Jan 8 - Jan 12
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