The World Class Mac Bundle


What's Included

Data Rescue 4
Data Rescue 4
Data Rescue 4
Data Rescue 4
Data Rescue 4
Data Rescue 4

Data Rescue 4


Data Rescue 4 (Standard Version) is the gold-standard when it comes to data recovery for your Mac. With Data Rescue 4 for Mac, you'll be able to recover your photos, videos and documents after a hard drive crash or a reinstallation of your OS. You can even recover files after you mistakenly delete them.

"Data Rescue 4 remains your best hope for recovering data from a physically functional drive without having to send it to a dedicated outfit where technicians in clean rooms will replace drive components in clean rooms for hundreds or thousands of dollars,” Macworld 4-Stars (12/14)

  • Works on all Mac hard drives even if they fail to or only partially mount
  • Recovers data from up to 5 drives
  • Recovers crashed, corrupted & non-mounting hard drives
  • Simplifies data recovery after a crash w/ Bootwell
  • Recovers damaged & missing files
  • Clones an exact copy of your hard drive for quiker recovery
  • Recovers digital pictures from your camera even after it's been erased or reformatted
  • Supports data recovery from NTFS-based Boot Camp Partitions


Details & Requirements

  • Recovers data from up to 5 drives, unlimited in size
  • Online and phone (US) support available
  • To prevent your files from being overwritten, Data Rescue requires you to have a second hard drive to recover to
  • Dara Rescue cannot recover an ethernet or WiFi connected hard drive


  • Mac OS X 10.7.5 or later
  • Languages: English
  • Note: recovering files from your Mac’s startup disk requires you to boot from ProSoft’s BootWell USB flash drive ($15), or you can provide your own 16GB USB flash drive and use Data Rescue to create a BootWell volume with it


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