This special version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed takes you deep into the darkest side of the Force, in a reimagined, ultimate-evil storyline occurring between the two Star Wars movie trilogies. You begin your journey with the "secret apprentice", Darth Vader himself, showing you the Star Wars galaxy through the eyes of the dark side, and ultimately leading you to a confrontation with Luke Skywalker.
"Recommended to fans of the saga," SpazioGames
- Hurl your enemies through walls, smash them into objects, shock them with lightning & more
- Adventure through iconic Star Wars locales w/ epic costumes & character models
- Become the most powerful Sith Lord in the universe
- Travel to Tatooine to dispatch Obi-Wan Kenobi, explore the depths of Jabba the Hutt’s palace, encounter Boba Fett & crush the rebellion on planet Hoth
- Wreak havoc with devastating lightsaber attack combos & Force powers – Force push, grip, repulse and lightning upgrades