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  • Electronics & Gadgets
  • Charging
ChargeCard: The Credit Card-Sized Micro USB Cable + Free Shipping (Android)
ChargeCard: The Credit Card-Sized Micro USB Cable + Free Shipping (Android)
ChargeCard: The Credit Card-Sized Micro USB Cable + Free Shipping (Android)
ChargeCard: The Credit Card-Sized Micro USB Cable + Free Shipping (Android)
ChargeCard: The Credit Card-Sized Micro USB Cable + Free Shipping (Android)
ChargeCard: The Credit Card-Sized Micro USB Cable + Free Shipping (Android)

ChargeCard: The Credit Card-Sized Micro USB Cable + Free Shipping (Android)

Free Shipping
by Nomad

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iPhone 5/5s/5c
Android (Micro USB)
DescriptionImportant DetailsRelated Products

Forget The Tangled Mess, Let Your Wallet Hold Your Charger


Please note: Only available to customers in the continental United States.


ChargeCard is your Android's micro-USB charger, shaped like a credit card. It’s designed to fit in your wallet so you’ll always have a charge cable on hand. Use ChargeCard to charge from any USB port, it works for any micro-USB device, as long as you have a USB port, you're good to go!


We love products like ChargeCard because they fix a common problem. Bringing around your tangled mess or cords is annoying. ChargeCard slips into your wallet so you it's there whenever you need it and it's out of the way when you don't. Because it lives in your wallet, there is a good chance you will never forget it. The best type of charging cable is the one you have on you. So stay prepared and leave that tangled mess behind. TOP FEATURES
  • The world’s thinnest USB phone cable
  • The thickness of 2.5 credit cards
  • Always have a cable on you, slid nicely into your wallet
  • Charge and Sync your micro-USB devices


"The size and shape, and the fact that it fits anywhere without needing to be coiled/uncoiled or being a pain to carry, make it a pretty useful tool." - Alan Henry - lifehacker "If you frequently find yourself in need of a charge cable and don't want the hassle of packing an actual cord everywhere you go, the ChargeKey makes an excellent travel companion." - Rick Broida - CNET "I can say that it really does make good on its simple promise: It charges your phone, and does so without taking up much space. Simple." - Seth Porges - Forbes


  • For Android or any micro-USB charged device


  • Just .1 Inches Thick (2.5 Credit Cards)


  • One (1) ChargeCard For Android & micro USB devices


  • Ships to US
  • Free Shipping


  • No refunds, all sales are final
  • ChargeCard is not an Apple Certified product
  • Due to vendor constraints and contractual obligations, this promotion is limited to the countries listed: Continental US only
  • Sale price includes shipping
  • Please allow up to 1-2 weeks for delivery
  • Limit three (3) per customer
  • The listed deal price is in US Dollars (USD)
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