Customers must be 21+ to purchase
The Exxus Mini is the smallest vaporizer of its kind, yet outperforms the field by delivering superior taste in a 4" tall package. Portability and discretion are paramount while you're on the go, and the Mini leads the revolution of more compact vapes. With a 30-second warm-up time and 410º max temperature, the unit distributes heat so evenly that you'll never experience that burned or bitter taste. The anodized heating chamber is also geared toward perfect flavor.
- Stylish aluminum gunmetal body has a subtle, sophisticated appeal
- Features 2-hour battery life & 30 minutes continuous runtime
- Complete temperature control on the body
- Automatically shuts off after 5 minutes of non-use to save battery
- Compatible w/ a variety of accessories, including glass mouthpieces
- Charges via micro USB