Earwax occurs naturally as a deterrent from bacteria, foreign detritus and dust. Unfortunately, some people produce too much of it and are affected by uncomfortable and sometimes painful blockages. These impactions are the leading cause of hearing loss, ear aches, tinnitus and can cause dizziness/vertigo. Most home remedies like cotton swabs and ear candling can actually worsen impaction and can cause long term damage of the ear. With the Cleanse Right Ear Wax Removal Tool Kit, you can safely remove blockages without seeing a doctor.
Reusable tips. Dishwasher-friendly & safer than the dangerous disposable ones
Easy to use. Includes detailed instructions on the box
Safe to use. Safe to use for both children & adults
Cost-effective. No need to spend money on costly cleanings
Gentle irrigation. Simply add water and spray 5-10 times into the blocked ear for best results
USA made. Tested in American facilities to perfectly soften ear wax to help remove stubborn blockages