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Become A Certified Web Developer

Become A Certified Web Developer

Sold Out$69.00$199.00
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A Beginner Video Course That Covers HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MySQL



Learn An Invaluable Craft

Have you ever wanted to learn how to build your own website? Or for that matter, jump paths and enter into a new LUCRATIVE career? Well, there's no better time than today. In this course, trainer Mark Lassoff will teach you everything you need to know about web development and he's giving you the certification you need to actually make it count! (upon completing the course you'll receive a certification signed by Mark). Say goodbye to those mundane one-off classes because it's time to get certified by one of the leading professional trainers in the industry.

Learn HTML, Javascript, PHP and MySQL

Mark has put together this course to turn you into a certified web developer from the comfort of your own computer at a pace you are happy with. Learn by coding along rather than watching hours of monotonous lectures where you just take notes. Finally the time has come where you can learn how to code by viewing an actionable and easy-to-follow video course, and get professionally certified at the same time.

Value Packed

  • Over 183 lectures and 12 hrs of content
  • Dozens of code examples to download and study
  • Over 25 engaging lab exercises
  • All lab solutions
  • Instructor available by email or on the forums
  • All free tools
  • And much more

A Nice Course Intro

A Video Course for Beginners

  • No skill prerequisites for this course although it's helpful if you are familiar with operating your computer and using the internet
  • You can take this course using a Mac, PC or LInux machine
  • It is recommended that you download the free Komodo text editor

Course Breakdown

Chapter 1: Welcome to HTML Chapter 2: Text Markup Chapter 3: Working with Lists Chapter 4: Creating HTML Links Chapter 5: Working with Images and Media Chapter 6: HTML Tables Chapter 7: HTML Forms Chapter 8: Understanding the CSS Box Model Chapter 9: CSS Based Page Layout Chapter 10: Hello Javascript! Chapter 11: Storing Information in Variables Chapter 12: Conditional Statements Chapter 13: Dialog Boxes Chapter 14: Now We’re Iterating! Loops in Javascript Chapter 15: Coding Javascript Functions Chapter 16: Working With Arrays Chapter 17: The String Object Chapter 18: Obtaining and Manipulating User Information Chapter 19: The Document object Chapter 20: Your First PHP Scripts Chapter 21: PHP Variables Chapter 22: Arrays Chapter 23: Conditionals Chapter 24: Loops Chapter 25: Custom PHP Functions Chapter 26: Server File I/O Chapter 27: Sending email with PHP

Meet Your Instructor - Mark Lassoff

Today Mark is a top technical trainer, traveling the country providing training for software and web developers. Mark's training clients include the Department of Defense, Lockheed Martin, Discover Card Services, and Kaiser Permanente. He's consulted for companies such as Dell, Target, Lockheed Martin, and government agencies including the US House of Representatives. In addition to traditional classroom training and consulting, Mark releases video tutorial training for aspiring programmers on his website,


  • 30 days money back guarantee
  • Get unlimited access to this course FOREVER
  • Upon purchase you will receive a unique license that will allow you to subscribe to the course
  • View the online course on your iPad
  • This course is licensed on a per user basis
  • It may not be sold, redistributed, or given away in any shape or form
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